But first a recap of all things March!
Financially March was great. I got my bonus at work and sent the entire check (minus the cost of a watch and a Kate Spade purse) to credit card debt. We are not free of debt but it’s great to see that number going down!
We also have been working on getting better with our budgets. We have been using Mint.com and since it links every account it’s so helpful in seeing where our money is going.
We haven’t really put much into savings but we are getting to a point where we should be able to start that soon. I am focusing pretty heavily on debt at the moment and I feel I can’t do both well. Something has to give and so far for this year, that has been savings.
Health was pretty lackluster in March. Over the month I worked out only eleven times. I have been battling some things with my body and getting back to a new post-partum norm which was holding me back physically and emotionally. It seems that’s all in check so I am hoping for a stronger April in this area.
As far as Family goals go we did a decent job. We went to Disney for Macie’s birthday, had a date night with me and the hubs, I had a date with Henley to see Beauty and the Beast while Dad had some alone time with Macie. Overall a great month in this area.
Personally I did ok. It was review time at work and being a manager and having people to deliver reviews to is so mentally and emotionally exhausting. I am not confrontational and I do not like delivering negative reviews, even when deserved, so the last two weeks here were rough. I didn’t post much on my blog and I didn’t stay on top of my Writing Course either. April will be better, it has to be right!
Looking forward to this month I am embarking on the #the100dayproject and am focusing on lettering, I’m planning to start there anyways----we will see where this leads me. I love having something creative (and managable) to focus on for 100 days. Follow me on Instagram to stay in the loop with my daily posts.
Tomorrow is Friday and I’ve really had a great week. I will be sharing some things I’ve been loving this week either tomorrow or Saturday, stay tuned!!!